New stuff on the site
You can actually see that but you know – I had to state the obvious. I hope everyone enjoys the updates.
In other news I have a synopsis written. I cannot tell you the hours and hours I spent researching how to write a synopsis and what agents were looking for. I visited many different agent and author blogs. I read critiques of other synopsis’s. I read articles on how to write a synopsis, articles on how not to write a synopsis and articles on why the synopsis is important.
I think that the hardest thing was when I found conflicting information on what should be in a synopsis. One thing I did find over and over was that almost uniformly people dread writing a plot synopsis. However I also found everyone has to do them. Even published authors write them for future projects. So I guess in writing, and dreading, my synopsis I’m in good company.
So now I’m ready. I have a synopsis written that I hope is what agents are looking for. I have a query letter written that I can adapt to the agents and editors I plan to send it to. I have a manuscript that flows well with an opening chapter I hope will really hook the reader and still stay true to the rest of the story.
Now I need to start sending the query letters. I am completely terrified of the coming rejections, but also totally excited by the idea that someone somewhere will love my story. 🙂