Ten minutes ago….
There is so much information on the Internet. It’s an incredibly useful resource and I cannot image not having it at my finger tips. When I decided to start writing queries I naturally began investigating the Internet to learn how. I learned a great deal. One of the most useful sources of information I have already mentioned was agents blogs. (Have I mentioned Thank you to all the agent who blog and give such helpful and informative advice.)
Even now that I have crafted a query I am still reading the blogs of five agents regularly. One problem is that I find myself running into information that I wished I had known 10 minutes ago.
It happened this morning…
I was reading on an agents blog, the post took apart a query and was very helpful over all. The agent advised only using your pen name once you adopted one. Honestly I had asked myself about this when crafting my query.
Should I use my real name or me pen name? I thought since I had nothing published maybe it was best to use my real name with the agent and editor until after I had been published. I guess my thought was Christine Brant does not really exist till her name is on a book. But I know I exist, at least I think I know – ok that’s a discussion for another day.
Really though the advice makes sense. I mean I have adopted my pen name for this blog. I have adopted my pen name for the critique group I attend. It makes a great deal of sense to adopt it for my queries as well. I used my real name on my first query, no big deal, but all the queries I send from today forward will use my pen name only.
You can read the post here BookEnds LLC.