Taking a break

Posted by on Jun 8, 2007 in Randomness, Scottsdale | 0 comments

After so many many hours spent with Lexi, Damian, Meredith, Sonya, Levi and all their friends and families I am in need of a break. I am officially putting aside this manuscript until Monday. Three whole days without them.

To some this might not seem like a lot, but to any mothers out there, imagine three whole days without your children.

What do I plan to do this weekend. Hang out with my hubby and kids (we are all going out to dinner tonight), play outside if the weather is nice, catch up on housework, and if I get some time to write in the evenings I am going to work on something different.

I pulled out four older stories I had started about 6 months ago. I reread the beginning of them all. Two are unsalvageable at this time, thank God for progress! They helped me see exactly how my writing has improved over the past few months. Two I think have potential. I think I might revisit them, if not this weekend sometime in the future.

I also have another idea that has been bouncing around my brain for a few weeks now. A fantasy with political intrigue, religious intolerance, rebellion and a bit of romance. I put the first chapter on paper yesterday afternoon and I don’t hate it. The idea is not fully formed yet, for example I don’t know how it ends. However I think I would like to play with it for a while.

Once all my query’s are out for Coradonna Lost I will be putting that aside for a month or so waiting to hear from the agents. I think during that time I will visit these other worlds and see how they might develop and evolve.

I wish you all a happy and relaxing weekend. 🙂

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