It’s Spring, my second favorite season. I like Fall best, but Spring takes a close second, especially here in the Pacific Northwest.
I’m not sure why Spring has never managed to inch out Fall, I mean in the Spring you have the explosion of life and color. Flowers and trees are coming alive and everything seems bright and cheerful. Yeah, it rains…but this is the Pacific Northwest – it ALWAYS rains – and the sun breaks through the clouds in the most amazing ways in the Spring and makes the new leaves look so vividly, amazingly, green, like someone painted them there.
I even love the rain. After all that’s what gives us all the amazing green everywhere. Plus I just like it, maybe that’s why I like the Fall, because I enjoy the rain so much. I like feeling snug and warm inside while it is wet and drizzly outside. It makes my house seem cozy all the time. We also get some of the most amazing rainbows in West Seattle that I have ever seen in my life, especially in the spring.
Not that I don’t like Summer and Winter – they have their charms and I would never want to live somewhere that was relegated to only one season all year. I think that there is something very soothing in the cycle of the seasons, at least for me. But the truth is I love the Fall and the Spring the best. 🙂