Wednesday Weekly Update
Rejection Queen Status Update
– My rejection status is up to 3. Watch out Deb, I’m gaining on you. 😉
– I have 7 outstanding query letters at this point. One says that no response within eight weeks should be taken as a rejection. That means if I haven’t heard from them by June 8th then I will count them towards my rejections.
– I have 12 agents researched, several of them require a synopsis with submission. *sigh* I have spent significant time working on my synopsis this week – see below – in preparation for submission to these agents and I hope to submit by well, hopefully by the end of the month.
Other Writing News
– My synopsis. I have to admit I have no idea why this is so hard for me, but there seems to be some sort of mental block between me and the synopsis. I worked for 16 of the last 48 hours on it and I am taking the next 48 hours off of it. At moments I worry that publication hangs on this particular piece of fiction then I will never achieve that elusive dream. However, I don’t give up easy and on Friday I will once again tackle the synopsis with renewed vigor. It is after all, just one more dragon to slay.
– Writing challenge, bronchitis got the better of this one. The goal was to write 14,000 words in two weeks, or 1,000 words a day, usually this is pretty doable for me. However I was sick and went away for one of the two weekends with my hubby to celebrate our 15 yr anniversary. (Yeah – I’m still excited about that one.) Anyway my partner in the challenge and I extended the deadline to midnight tonight and I will be spending my remaining hours between now and midnight working on getting my word count up – weather or not I’ll hit 14,000 is still a mystery. 🙂
– The Youngest Brother has been on my mind a lot lately even though I haven’t been writing on it much. I decide to make some minor changes in how I am going to develop the story and I think it will flow better because of the changes. As a result it will also open up the option of writing some short stories about Red, so that’s exciting.
Personal Notes:
– I have resumed work at a day job, just part time, but it’s a very good thing for my writing in at least one way. It means I will be able to afford to go to SiWC this year. WOO HOO!!
– With mothers day right around the corner I just want to take this opportunity to say** I have the greatest kids in the world and I adore them**. They encourage me to be creative and make me a better person. Thank you my little loves.
Happy Writing today everyone – I am off to up my word count and drown my sorrows over a bland synopsis in a much more interesting YA urban fantasy. 😉