Follow Friday – kc dyer

Posted by on May 7, 2010 in Follow Friday | 2 comments

My Follow Friday for today goes to a wonderful author and a beautiful human being. She has been an inspiration to me and has given me valuable and honest feedback about my writing and my chances of being published, which I appreciate. 

So following the trend of the last two weeks this week I am following an author I met at SiWC her name is kc dyer.

I clearly remember the first time I spoke to kc.  She called my house on a Saturday morning, and asked me if I was sitting down. I laughingly replied no, and she recommended I do that, then proceeded to tell me I won the Surrey International Storytellers Award. 

WOW!  A real life published author called my house.

I believe this is one of Ms. Dyer’s many gifts, she makes those around her feel special. When I met her at SiWC in 2007 she made me feel like a minor celebrity, and a “real writer”.  When she sat down with me at SiWC this past year (2009) and took a few minutes to give me advise and share her convictions about my writing she made me believe that I would one day truly be a published author.

I have copies of her books (signed of course 🙂 ) for my kids and I would recommend that you check them out too.

More than any of this though is that kc has treated me like a real person and a friend. She has joked and laughed with me and had drinks with my husband and I.  She made time in a very busy schedule as conference coordinator to spend a few minutes with us.She became my friend on Facebook and laughs with me on Twitter. So perhaps what kc has taught me more than anything else is that authors are real people.

Thank you kc, for being honest and inspirational.  Thank you for helping me become a better writer through your honesty.  Thank you for being a friend as well as a writer who has inspired me. You are truly an author worth following.


  1. Here, here! I raise a toast to your post, and to the amazing and lovely kcdyer. Truly a beautiful woman.

    Thank you for sharing, Christine. 🙂


  2. A well deserved toast to kc dyer.

    Let’s plan it for SiWC this year. Then we’ll eat cookies.

    I am going to post a picture of the cookies I plan to bring to Surrey soon. They are BEYOND decadent. 😉


  1. Tweets that mention My #FF today goes to author you can read more here -- - [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by kcdyer, Christine Brant. Christine Brant said: My #FF today goes to author…

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