Wednesday Weekly Update 5/19/2010

Posted by on May 19, 2010 in General, Updates | 1 comment

Rejection Queen status update:

For some reason I feel like my count is off here but I am going to go with it.  Here’s what I’ve got.

– Currently I have 6 rejections toward my status as rejection Queen. Deb is still leading, but only by a few.

– At present I have 3 outstanding queries I am waiting to hear back from. 

– Finally Drum Roll Please – I got a request for a partial that I sent off this week.  WHOO HOO.  So I have 1 outstanding partial. YAY!!!!

– I am working on a current round of queries.  I hope to send 10 by the end of the week and another 10 by the end of the week.  Yup – that’s right, I want to get out 20 by the end of the month. 


Other Writing News:

– This past weekend I accomplished the impossible, or the seemingly impossible.  I wrote my 1 page synopsis and I don’t hate it. I also wrote my author Bio.

– In addition I rewrote my query letter this week, I’m still working out the kinks on this new draft, but I think in the long run it is a bit more compelling.

– I have been feeling a distinct lack of creativity in my writing – I think it’s all the “practical” writing I’ve been doing. What I really want to do is ditch my family for a couple hours and curl up with some pens and a Moleskine (and possibly some chocolate) and just write without the pressure of feeling like there is a query or a synopsis hanging over my head.  But before I can do that I need to finish getting out this current round of queries.

  Personal Notes:

– One personal note relates to my query schedule.  Why the sudden push to get out Queries?  Well I plan to go on a two week vacation this summer, one of those weeks I will be mostly without internet connection. So I hope to take most of July off from the business of sending queries and just do some good old fashioned writing that month. So I want to get out queries to all the agents I have researched prior to that.

That’s about it for this week.  I hope everyone is having a great middle of the week.  We are getting rain and quite frankly it fits my mood today. 😉

Happy writing all.

    1 Comment

  1. 20 queries? Gasp! You are really turning the screws. 🙂

    Congrats on the synopsis. And the author bio. That is something I have to prepare. Should be a challenge. I am not good at describing myself – maybe I’ll have someone who knows me write it. 🙂

    Good Writing!

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