Wednesday Weekly Update 5/26/2010
First off allow me to begin by saying – Holy Crap – is this really the last Wednesday in May… and now, on to the regularly scheduled update.
Rejection Queen Status update:
– My rejection count has not changed this week – 6
– Number of outstanding queries – 15 (I sent 12 queries this week.)
– Outstanding partials – 1
– Agents researched – 5 new agents, so I have 10 total agents that I am getting ready to send to in the next week or two. Hopefully by the end of the month.
Other writing news:
– What other writing, did you not read above I sent 12 queries this week and researched 5 new agents. That took like every spare minute of my time that I set aside as “writing†time.
– I have three different writing projects going at the moment and they are all completely different stories in completely different genres. I need to pick one to focus on and finish in time for SiWC. But I can’t seem to make my mind focus on just one plot. It is enjoying skipping around too much at the moment.
Personal Notes:
– I finalized the details for my families vacation this week. Two weeks, one of which will be in the internet free mountains of Tennessee. I really love visiting the mountains but I always feel the technology withdrawal. How do they survive on a day to day basis without the inter-web?