Odd story fact
For the past few weeks I have been madly working on rewriting and revising a novel I originally wrote back in 2008. At that point the novel was called Reunion. At the moment I am playing with new titles, two that are high on the list at the moment are Cat’s Moon, or Cat’s Reunion. However, titles are not the point of this post.
I wanted to share with you an odd little fact. I started this novel in April of 2008 and finished the original draft in October of that year. In the mean time I also wrote a short story, one I have also since revised and updated. The short story is called “Braveâ€.
The short story introduces a girl named Jessica and tells the reader a brief story about her life in western Pennsylvania. Now, here’s where the odd part comes in. I wrote brave to explain one line in Reunion.
Yup – one line – the line…
“Yeah, well, I asked Jessica out in October and she told me no. She told me, very politely, she didn’t date rich, handsome, blond guys.â€
Spoken by Ian, a secondary character, to Kyle, one of the the main characters.
This line intrigued me – I just HAD to know WHY she said this. I mean what was it about rich, handsome, blond guys? I knew she had a reason, a good one too, for not dating guys “like that†but I wasn’t sure what it was. I also knew she came from a specific type of background. So I decided to write her story.
To be fair I’m still writing her story –because I’m writing a novel about her, but it started with a short story that answered the question what is it about rich, handsome, blond guys. That turned into “Braveâ€.
And the opening line of “Brave†– just to taunt you…
If we hadn’t used a condom I’d be living a normal life right now.