Hello Friends,
Welcome to my web site.
Who am I?
For the purposes of this web site I am a story teller and would be author.
I am also many other things:
A wife,
a mother,
a friend,
and a teacher,
to name a few of my many other hats.
This site though is to share with the world my stories, my adventures in becoming a published author and any other exciting news that relates to my storytelling.
What have I written?
A book, it has no title yet, and it isn’t published so I guess it is really only a manuscript. I am currently editing my third draft for the creation of a fourth draft. That fourth draft will be sent to publishers and agents and hopefully find it’s way into print.
I like to write Science fiction and fantasy. The book I have written is Science fiction and takes place in the distant future. I have also started several other projects that are fantasy in nature but are not completed.
Why do I write?
Because I love it. I love telling stories and creating worlds. For as long as I can remember I have told myself stories. Often in the form of daydreaming in school. I used to love certain classes because I knew I could day dream through the entire class and still do well. I would tell my self stories as I fell asleep at night, and as a child I often recorded stories on a tape recorder.
I am also a reader. I devour books. I love to read science fiction, fantasy, mysteries and pretty much any other fiction. Reading has given me hours and hours of enjoyment.
It has only been in the past year that I have taken the risk of putting pen to paper and actually writing down one of the stories that floats around in my head. Now I want to share my story in a book, like the ones I have loved so much, and hope that someone else will enjoy my story the way I have enjoyed those of other authors.
On this site I will share with you the first chapter or so of my story, plus some other little tidbits and possibly some short stories. Also I will share with you the journey I am taking to get my manuscript published.
So enjoy,