So sorry

Posted by on Feb 28, 2008 in Randomness | 0 comments

Ok Ok, I know I promised something new was coming and it hasn’t so far.

My web guy, who comes at a great price, is still in school and he has been very busy the last few weeks.

I could blame it entirely on him but the truth is that I have been behind on getting him the content for the new area as well. So I guess we are both at fault. I am working on it though.

Speaking of school I have decided to take a few classes as well. It can never hurt to learn something new. And, well the truth is I really like school and I am excited about the classes I am going to take. Yeah – for those of you thinking I am a nerd – you nailed it. I’m a nerd. 🙂

I am taking two classes at Gotham Writers Workshop on line. If I like them I am going to take two more in the spring semester. I may even get their fiction writing certificate. We’ll see.

I will try to be better about keeping this web site up to date. However based on my past performance I will not make any promises.

I wish you all a Happy Thursday.

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