
Posted by on Jul 31, 2008 in General | 0 comments

Back in May I entered a flash fiction contest and I have been short listed!!!!

YIPPEEE – I am waiting to hear the results of the contest.

This month I entered another contest this one was a longer piece written specifically for this contest.  I should hear about this contest by the end of October. 

Next month I am entering my third contest of the year – this one has a 5,000 word limit and I have my submission written in rough draft format – currently it is going through critiques.

There is one more contest I plan to enter this year – a science fiction contest.  This entry does not need to be submitted until November.  I have the story idea ready and once my current short story is done I will put this idea down on paper and see how it pans out.

All this fulfills one of my new years resolutions.  The third – to write and submit at least three short stories this year.  In fact if everything continues the way I plan …. well,, when does that ever happen?  I should have submitted four short stories by the end of the year.

🙂  It feels good to achieve a goal I have set for myself. 

Happy Wednesday Everyone!

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