Feeling Discouraged

Posted by on Sep 16, 2008 in General | 0 comments

I have to say that today I am feeling pretty down. 

Last month I had three stories out on Submission. As of today I know that two of them have not been accepted.  the third was the one I was least confident about.

In addition I read recently on another writing site that writers should not have blogs.  They commented that writers blogs were overdone and and unless you have something truly unique to say it wasn’t worth having one.

I already know I don’t update this Blog frequently enough.  So maybe I should ditch it completely.  Not the web site – I still have lots of ideas for that, but the Blog part of it.

So today I am feeling a bit discouraged, about writing in general and about getting published and even about what I am doing on the web.

I mean – is it really worth all the effort.  Once upon a time I wrote stories in my head, just for me.  Maybe I should just go back to that.

Some days I am not sure.

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