Daring to Dream

Posted by on May 5, 2009 in General | 0 comments


Today I stumbled on two different blogs about dreaming – not the I fell asleep dreaming but the dreaming of a future dream. This is one of them.

I dream, I think all writers dream. I totally get the quote from J.K Rowling in the above blog. Some of my characters I just love. They live in my head and talk to me. Sometimes they argue with me while I’m writing. Sometimes I end up going a completely different way because I have to compromise with what they want. I desperately want to share them and their stories with the world. I want other people to love them as much as I do.

And yeah – I dream of a Cinderella story. I worry though, because I already got one in this life and it seems unlikely that a person is entitled to more than one Cinderella moment in a lifetime.

Still I just can’t stop hoping and dreaming because I really want to tell people my stories, I want people to love my characters and I want my stories to touch people. I dream of one day seeing my name on the cover of a book, it’s a huge dream, but I’m not going to stop pursuing it because to me it’s worth dreaming.

So I urge everyone out there to keep dreaming your own big dreams, who know – maybe we do get to have more then one Cinderella story in a life time.  

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