A vision of the future
What does the future look like?
How different is it from now?
What makes the year 3000 different from the year 2000?
Well I know one thing that will not change. The people. One thousand years ago people were basically the same as they are now. They ate, drank, loved, hated, and grew as individuals, if they could survive. They feared death and slavery and they attempted to live the best way they could.
Today people eat, drink, love, hate, and grow. They fear the loss of their basic human rights and they fear death. People try to live the best way they can.
A thousand years from now people will eat, drink, love, hate and grow. They will fear the loss of basic human rights, whatever they are perceived to be and they will fear death. People will try to live the best way that they can.
In the end any story told that involves people is the same.
So what does my future look like? The one I have drawn in my head.
Well, it’s not so different. People live on many planets but they still have homes. They decorate them with images of loved ones and favorite places. They like comfortable clothing and furniture not hard plastics or glass. They want to curl up with a warm drink when it snows.
They move around in the universe the way we move around our planet. Most major illnesses have been cured – if you are lucky enough to live in the right place. Colonies are like the frontier once was to us. Distant, removed, often low on water and resources. There cancer can still kill. There resources are still precious.
While in the future vocabulary will change. I see the language of the future as an amalgam of Spanish, English and other major languages. However there will be people who do not choose to speak this “Common” language. Rather they will honor their heritage and speak another tongue. To make the lives of you dear reader easier – I have taken the initiative to translate their language for you.
That’s just a glimpse, you’ll have to wait to read the book to see what the world looks like in the year 3000.