A year in review

Posted by on Dec 31, 2007 in Randomness | 0 comments

The year 2007 has been a busy one for me.

For starters I was born. It’s interesting to be born at age 30. I came into the world with a husband, children and bills to pay.

Luckily I was also born with a passion and I didn’t have to spend years trying to discover it.

My passion, the story.

I love stories. I love to read them, to tell them and to write them.

So this year I was born Christine Brant teller of stories.

I have accomplished many things in my first year of life.

I shopped a novel to some agents – about a dozen – and realized I was not yet ready to shop anything. So I stored the novel under my bed and let it die a peaceful and comfortable death.

Instead of lingering over my poor dead story, one that will always have a special place in my heart as the first novel I ever finished writing, I began another novel.

I decided to join an online Critique group and fell in love with it. The feedback and support I have gotten from them has been invaluable to me and is helping me develop as a writer in major ways.

Next I tried my hand at short stories.

I wrote “A Decade of Scottsdale” over the summer and entered it into the Surrey International Writers Conference storytellers competition.

I won.

I attended my first writing conference. The above mentioned Surrey International Writers Conference. It was the highlight of my year. I attended great workshops, met fabulous people, and got spectacular advise that I plan to follow as closely as I can.

I participated in NaNo WriMo (Aka: National Novel Writing Month) and completed 29,000 words of the novel I am currently writing.

Overall an eventful year.

As 2008 approaches and I look back on 2007 I have to say I am content with the past year. In fact I am down right thrilled with it.

What more could I ask from my first year of life.

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