Where I was yesterday

Posted by on May 27, 2007 in Publishing, Scottsdale | 0 comments

I actually wrote this post yesterday… not sure why I didn’t post it then. So here it is. I am finding that no matter how much editing I do I still find things I need/want to rewrite. Sometimes I feel like I am on the 100th draft of the story instead of the sixth. I have recently finished writing two new scenes I realized the story needed to lead up to some plot in the second book. Also I have been working on a complete rewrite of the first chapter. This will be the third incarnation of chapter one, which just does not seem to want to flow. BTW – Thank you to those who gave me feedback on the chapter. I found it all very helpful and I am using it in the rewrite. So where does this leave me as far as publishing attempts go. Well, I am on hold at the moment. First off because I still need to write a good, concise, complete and interesting plot synopsis boiling 100,000 words down to just about 500. I am still working on that in between rewrites. Also because I am reshaping the first chapter I have no first chapter to send out at the moment. So I am now hoping to be sending things out by the beginning of June. The good news – my early readers tell me that my writing is getting better and better. Hopefully they are right and all this rewriting will lead to an even better draft then I ever imagined ending up on the right agent or editors...

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Excerpt posted

Posted by on May 22, 2007 in Scottsdale | 0 comments

I posted the first chapter of Coradonna Lost it is under the excerpt tab above. Please feel free to post any comments or ideas to this blog entry. Thanks for taking the time to read it, I appreciate any feedback you have. Update – Hi everyone, thank you for those who read the first chapter and pointed out the errors, I am currently working to fix the errors and will repost when I have them corrected.

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A Name at last

Posted by on May 15, 2007 in Scottsdale, Titles | 0 comments

I finally settled on a title for the first book in the Coradonna’s Children series. The first book will be called Coradonna Lost Yeah ok nothing radical but hey it fits the story. So stay tuned an exert from the story will be published here soon.

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Names names names

Posted by on May 8, 2007 in Scottsdale, Titles | 0 comments

So here is the deal, I have named the overarching story that runs through the books about the escape pods that launch from the transport Coradonna. The over arching name is Coradonna’s Children. Makes sense huh. However I do not yet have a title for the first book in the series. I have personally been calling it Lexi’s Story. But for many reasons that does not fit, for example, the story is about people other then Lexi and the book is really only the beginning of Lexi’s story. Also lets face it Lexi is not one of the Coradonna’s children. She never set foot on the Corradonna so titling the book after her does not really fit with the title of the series. So… any ideas or suggestions would be...

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