New New New

Posted by on Sep 11, 2007 in Randomness | 1 comment

Hello friends. I wanted to tell you about a few new things I have been busy with. First off I joined Facebook. So if you are on Facebook please feel free to make me a friend. I would love to have you in my friends list. Also I have begun an account with it is a site where I can post writing and they will pay me for it IF people read it. You will be able to see my posts here and on Facebook. If you have time please go read, vote for and comment on the writing I post there. I look forward to seeing you on Facebook, maybe I will throw a sheep at you. Also I hope you will enjoy my posts on Have a great...

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It’s off

Posted by on Jul 27, 2007 in Randomness | 0 comments

Yesterday I put my first short story in the mail. It is a 4,989 word short story set in the same world as the Lexi story but taking place months before Lexi’s story begins and in a completely different place. I won’t say it is unrelated but the two are not so closely connected you need to read one to understand the other. Anyway I won’t know the results for several months, but no matter what the results are I am happy that I sent the story and it is going to be read by someone. I will make sure I post when I find out the...

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Posted by on Jun 28, 2007 in Randomness, Scottsdale | 0 comments

Sorry it has been so long since I posted last I have been having a lot of family time. All my children are out of school now and my time to write and Blog has dropped off dramatically. Over the summer my Blog might be more sporadic. I will try to post at least once a week though. So what has been going on. I have joined an online critique group and I have the first chapter of Coradonna Lost up for critique right now. I am hoping to learn things that will help me on my second round of submissions. No I haven’t sent those out yet – summer and kids and all. Also I am hoping to find out if the story grabs people in the first chapter. If not then I need to do some revision before sending out more queries the first chapter needs to suck the reader, or agent in. I have also been reading ( I was up till 1 am today reading a library book), lots and lots of books. Science Fiction books. I have been trying to see what is out there and what it is like. I have read a few books on terra forming and several space operas. I have liked some and not liked others. There are several themes that seem to repeat in Science Fiction that give me a great deal of hope for my own story as it seems to function within these themes while still having an original story line. Ok enough for today. I will post again as things...

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A little taste

Posted by on Jun 12, 2007 in Randomness | 0 comments

Ok guys this is rough- really rough – but I just thought I would give you a little taste of what I worked on this weekend. I haven’t done any grammar/spelling revisions on this, in fact this is only the first draft I haven’t even done any content editing. Anyway- here is a nibble for your reading pleasure.- this is completely unrelated to Coradonna’s Children it is the beginning of a fantasy. Tory opened her sleep clouded eyes at the gentle shake of her shoulder. Her mother knelt next to the bed and gazed at her with her dark brown eyes. A shiver of fear raced down Tories spine. Something was wrong. “Listen to me love,” her mother said earnestly. “I am going away for a while. I want to tell you something before I go though. Are you listening Tory?” Tory nodded and reached up to rub the sleep from her eyes. “I’m listening mommy.?” “Good girl, I have a very important job for you Tory. Your job is to live. Do you understand, no matter what happens, no matter what you have to do, lie, cheat, steal, kill, you must live.” “Mommy?” Tory was appalled by her mother’s words, they were the opposite of things she had been told all of her short life. “It is very important Tory. Do you understand your job?” “No mommy, I thought those things were bad.” Tory objected. “I know honey, but I need you to survive, no matter what. Even if you have to do bad things.” Her mother wrapped her in a warm hug, the kind that had always felt safe to Tory in the past. Tonight it felt scary. “I am going to have to leave you sweat heart.” “I want to come with you.” “I know and I wish you could but where I am going they don?t like Halflings.” Her mother squeezed her even tighter and Tory felt wetness on her cheek from her mother’s tears. “Will you come back?” Tory could hear the desperation in her own voice. “I doubt it Tory, but even if I do you will be gone love.” Her mother moved back and stroked her hair as she met her eyes. “Uncle Eric is going to come and take you away, so you can be safe.” “I want to stay with you.” Tory whined, desperate to elicit her mother’s agreement. Her mother had tears streaming down her cheeks. A noise in the hall made her glance over her shoulder. When she turned back her dark eyes were set with determination. “I know Tory, and I want you with me, but that is not in the makers plans right now.” She spoke quickly with determination . “I love you Tory, more than I ever imagined I could. Never forget that.” “I love you too mommy.” The child barley whispered now and fear...

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Taking a break

Posted by on Jun 8, 2007 in Randomness, Scottsdale | 0 comments

After so many many hours spent with Lexi, Damian, Meredith, Sonya, Levi and all their friends and families I am in need of a break. I am officially putting aside this manuscript until Monday. Three whole days without them. To some this might not seem like a lot, but to any mothers out there, imagine three whole days without your children. What do I plan to do this weekend. Hang out with my hubby and kids (we are all going out to dinner tonight), play outside if the weather is nice, catch up on housework, and if I get some time to write in the evenings I am going to work on something different. I pulled out four older stories I had started about 6 months ago. I reread the beginning of them all. Two are unsalvageable at this time, thank God for progress! They helped me see exactly how my writing has improved over the past few months. Two I think have potential. I think I might revisit them, if not this weekend sometime in the future. I also have another idea that has been bouncing around my brain for a few weeks now. A fantasy with political intrigue, religious intolerance, rebellion and a bit of romance. I put the first chapter on paper yesterday afternoon and I don’t hate it. The idea is not fully formed yet, for example I don’t know how it ends. However I think I would like to play with it for a while. Once all my query’s are out for Coradonna Lost I will be putting that aside for a month or so waiting to hear from the agents. I think during that time I will visit these other worlds and see how they might develop and evolve. I wish you all a happy and relaxing weekend....

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Today is a day

Posted by on Jun 2, 2007 in Randomness | 0 comments

So I am new to the world of blogging. I probably just proved that to everyone with that simple sentence. I think it is referred as the blogoshere – at least according to Wikipediathe source of all knowledge in the universe. 🙂 Well, at least all the knowledge worth knowing that isn’t on a blog. 😉 Now I find myself in this community and, to my great shock, enjoying it. I have visited many blogs over the past week and it’s been very educational. I hope that one day my blog is just as helpful to someone. So I wanted to post something interesting and insightful today. Unfortunately I attended nine hours of training for my day job – yes on a Saturday BLAHHH. I have nothing and I mean nothing insightful or interesting to say. All I can say today is a word of thanks to all the blogging agents and authors out there who have inspired and educated me over the past few months. I deeply appreciate the time and effort you put into your blogs. I am learning so much from all your experience. Maybe tomorrow I will have something inspirational of my own to...

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