Congratulations are in order

Posted by on Mar 27, 2010 in General, Kudos, Randomness | 2 comments

I wanted to offer my congratulations to my friend Elissa Vann Struth.  She is a fellow SiWC attendee and Storyteller award winner. Elissa’s short story ‘Down to the Roots’ won second prize in the Short Story (English) category of the CBC Literary Awards. You can read about it here.   WAY TO GO ELISSA!!!! I am so excited for...

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Welcome to my world…

Posted by on Mar 26, 2010 in General, Publishing, Randomness | 7 comments

It’s official ladies and gentleman, this is my web site. This is my blog. Here is it, my public launch. Look around, explore, read some, leave a comment to let me know you were here. But, I decided that to really make my public launch spectacular I needed to share some big news. Something exciting. A piece of news with the word “Queen” in it. “Queen, you say?” Yes, as in Agent Rejection Queen. Say what? She wants to be crowned what? Huh… Allow me to explain. One of the most influential writers in my life thus far is an amazing woman named kc dyer.  She is a YA novelist and I had the privilege of meeting her for the first time at SiWC in 2007.  Since then I have gotten to know her in person and over the internet.  Her guidance, suggestions and friendship have been invaluable in helping me stay motivated, focused and improving my writing to the point where it is ready to be published. Plus she’s just a really cool person to hang out with and lots of fun to be around. It’s also from her that I first heard about the status of Rejection Queen. So what exactly is this, well I think that Deb explains it best in her blog post “Dusting off the Crown”.  I would add that I think it is an amazing way to help each other stay motivated and positive through the agent hunting process. I was excited to be accepted as a competitor in this especially since I have the honor of competing against kc’s original contender. Here is her post “En Garde!” announcing the official start of the contest. We were also joined by Donna so there are three of us contending for the Rejection Queen Crown. I wish both my other contenders luck.  Meaning – I wish them few rejections – so I guess I hope they loose 😉 Really I hope we all find the best possible agent for our work and that this contest makes things a little more fun and a little less stressful along the way. Look for my Rejection Queen Updates on at least a weekly basis here on my blog.  In the mean time – ENJOY THE NEW...

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Launch day

Posted by on Mar 25, 2010 in General, Randomness | 0 comments

Tomorrow. Friday. March 26th 2010. I will be officially publically re-launching my web site with and Blog. Yes – it’s still missing some graphics but my web guy and I are working on those. In the mean time my content is up and I am ready to share the site with the world.

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