Classes – the good and the bad.
So I have been taking classes at Gotham Writers Workshop online for the past few months.
I am working on my third class now.
I took the classes in hopes of learning more about the writing process and becoming a better writer. So what do I think…
The Good:
I have learned a great deal about the writing process and how different writers approach it.
I have gotten several good story ideas from class assignments and turned one of them into a flash fiction piece I entered into a contest.
I have gotten to read and enjoy many other aspiring authors and made some great connections through the classes.
The Bad:
The classes take a lot of time – in fact they take up pretty much all my writing time. Leaving me no free hours to spend writing on the projects I am working on.
I took two entry level classes one was Fiction Writing 1 the other was Science Fiction Writing 1. I found that there was some over lap of information in these two classes.
Overall evaluation:
I am glad I took these classes.  I think that they have helped me think about the process of writing and hone some of my skills. The Lectures have helpful tips I can use as I revise and polish.
I will not be sighing up for more classes though, I don’t have the time – or the money at this point to take more and quite honestly I need the time I have to focus on the stories I am developing right now.
More on that later.
As a P.S.
My web guy still owes me some work including making a few much needed changes to this site. There are changes coming including a chance to read more of my writing here online… I promise.