Decisions Decisions

Posted by on Jul 15, 2007 in Publishing, Scottsdale | 0 comments

I’ve made quite a few over the past week. Decisions that is.

So What are they:

1) I’ll be attending a writing conference in October. I’m very excited about this as it’s the first time I’ve ever attended a writers conference.

2) I’ll be putting all queries on hold till after the conference. I expect to learn a lot there that will help me in the query process and so I think I’ll wait till I have that information

3) I’m going to submit a short story to the contest at the conference. I have written it (see the post below) and am in the editing process.

4) I need to write more. Lately I’ve been spending a lot of time doing research and working on “about writing” stuff, but spent little time actually putting words on paper. I miss that.

So having made all these decisions I plan to turn my attention to writing more. I’ve barley started the sequel to Coradonna Lost and I think I’d like to work on that more.

The problem of course with working on a sequel is that if I never sell the first book I’ll likely never sell the sequel so it may be a gigantic waste of time (in terms of financial’s). However the story wants to be told and it rumbles around in my head at night as I fall asleep, and often other times as well. So I’ll write it and see what happens.

After all, even if I’m never a writer in the published sense of the word I’m always a story teller.

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