
Posted by on Jan 8, 2008 in Randomness | 0 comments

I am one of those people who dream vividly and who remember their dreams long after waking up.

I always have been. For the most part I enjoy that. Some of my dreams I can even manipulate as I dream them. I can change things sometimes when I am dreaming.

Sometimes the dreams lead to stories.

Coradonna’s Children sprang from one single dream I had over two years ago now.

Other times my dreams seem to have a life of their own. I wonder if they are trying to take me somewhere or tell me something, but in truth I have no idea.

For the past two nights I have had strange and disturbing dreams. They are the kind that haunt me after I wake up. One I even woke up from yelling last night.

What I find really compelling about these dreams is the fact that the two dreams were related over the course of the two nights. What is my subconscious trying to tell me?

An interesting question to be sure.

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