Hello I Write Romance

Posted by on Aug 3, 2010 in Randomness | 12 comments

I am participating in a Blog Hop, something I’ve never done before. But I’m going to try. So I wanted to introduce myself and share a little about my writing. You can see the rest of the participants in the Blog Hop here.

My name is Christine Brant and I have been writing for the past five years. It all started on a dark and stormy night… not really, it started with a dream and an author’s web site.

The authors web site (Kelley Armstrong – because I can’t pass up the chance to promote her) inspired me and I turned the dream into a novel creating a futuristic dystopian society. The novel was 100,000 words long and currently lives under my bed. One day I hope to rewrite it. Even if I never do, it will always hold a place in my heart because it started me on the path of writing.

A few months later (October 2007) I had the opportunity to attend the Surrey International Writer’s Conference. I entered their Storytellers award contest with a story set in the same universe as the novel I’d written and I won. WOW!!! I also had the opportunity to meet Kelley Armstrong. It was an amazing weekend and I will always remember it.

Since then I have completed two novels.

One is Red and Grey – this is a retelling of the fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood, it is written for an adult audience, meaning it is not a children’s book. While I would not call it a romance per se it has a strong romantic theme. (I do call it a fantasy, although I would have no problem seeing it shelved as romance or young adult as some people have suggested). I am in the process of querying Red and Grey at this time.

The other novel I have finished is Cat’s Revealing – this is a paranormal romance that is currently entered in the Brava Writing with the Stars competition. No matter how it does in this contest, I will be starting the process of querying it later this month.

Currently I am working on several different projects, I always seem to have two or three going at a time. One is the prequel to Cat’s Revealing, another paranormal romance. Another is the sequel to Red and Grey, called The Youngest Brother. This month I am committing to work on The Youngest Brother, I would really like to have it done by the end of the year.

So feel free to look around my site, some samples of my writing are here for you to take a look at, including the first chapter of Cat’s Revealing, a piece of flash I wrote called The Window, and a chapter of Red and Grey.

I hope you all enjoy.