I am learning so much

Posted by on Oct 15, 2007 in Randomness |

As an author I am learning a great deal about writing and publishing by reading the blogs of several agents. I am learning more then just about the world of writing though.

For example last month I learned about International Talk like a pirate day. And I got to celebrate it. Fun fun fun.

Today I learned about something more important from Bookends Blog. Today is Blog action day, a day when people all over the blogosphere are writing about the environment and issues that affect it.

I want to contribute my two cents to this issue. Ok ready it’s going to be profound…

Trees are good.

See, told ya, profound.

Ok seriously, I remember the day I learned that trees are invaluable resources.

I was in third grade. We were learning about the human body and that people breath in Oxygen and breath out Carbon dioxide. As I processed this information I came to a startling conclusion.

We were going to run out of oxygen!

My hand shot up and I fidgeted in my seat waiting for the teacher to call on me.

No sooner had she said my name then I blurted “So why don’t we run out of air?”

“Excellent question.” I basked in a moment of third grade pride at having asked an excellent question, then waited impatiently for the answer… why weren’t we running out of air!

I remember the teacher explaining to me that God had designed a perfect system (I went to a Christian school) and that while people breathed in air and out Carbon dioxide the trees all around us used Carbon dioxide to “breath” and they gave off oxygen as waste.

Whoa! My third grade world was rocked.

I still remember that day clearly.

Even then I was confused that I was the only one who raised my hand. Didn’t everybody wonder why we weren’t running out of air. Surely my entire class was not so far ahead of me that they already knew this special secret. Trees make Oxygen.

Today I am still confused.

Why do we destroy so much of the Earth around us, especially the trees. Don’t people know the secret?

Trees make clean air.

We need trees.

Trees are good.