I’m Back

Posted by on Jul 29, 2010 in General | 2 comments

Vacation was wonderful.  I loved visiting family and friends in Tennessee and Florida and hanging with my kids.

I have to admit as wonderful as it was to be away I’m thrilled to be home and reunited with my house, my bed, and my internet connection. I know some people thrive away from technology and the break was nice but I wouldn’t be able to live that way long. I missed the internet, e-mail, twitter, my cell phone not dropping calls.

The truth is I like being connected. I feel more stressed when I’m not connected then when I am. I mean, how do you research anything or look up important information without Wikipedia – the font of all knowledge? And how do you keep in touch with people without e-mail or a reliable cell phone connection?

I know that there are people out there rolling their eyes at me right this minute thinking “Wow, has this chick never heard of the library or snail mail?” Yes, I have heard and used both.  But the library is not available at 6:30pm when you want to know what the plural of the word “Pegasus” is. Nor is Snail Mail convenient when you want to invite someone to come over for dinner at 7:00pm and it is current 3:45pm. Both of these incidents arose on our trip.

I love the library and visit it often, I send packages through the post office frequently as well. But I’ll admit to being tied to my technology in ways that generations prior to mine were not and generations after mine will likely take for granted.

So yes, I am thrilled to be home, and have my beloved connectivity back.

Oh, I missed my hubby this past week too. 😉


  1. I agree…being connected is nice. To the Internet. With family. With friends. Cyber-friends. Much better than being alone. *s*

    Welcome back! Just so you know, the RQ contest is still on. I took a hiatus to reevalute and revamp, but I intend to reenter the fray. *s*

    Take care,

  2. Deb,
    I totally agree with you about being connected. 🙂

    I think sometimes we all need a hiatus.

    I have to admit taking a bit of a break from getting rejections sounds…pleasant.

    Can’t wait for you to reenter the fray, looking forward to it.

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