Monday Update
Rejection Queen Status:
– I have no new rejection to report my status is still 1.
– On that front I sent three queries this past week. They were all with my newly polished shorter more cleaned up query letter. So we’ll see what the response is to this newer more precise letter.
What am I working on this week:
– Last week I wrote a very rough and dirty first draft of a synopsis. This week I hope to clean and refine it and make it pretty and ready to send to the agents who want to see it with my query letter. I have at least 5 or 6 in my binder who ask for a synopsis with the query letter.
– I hope to work some more on The Youngest Brother this week, which much to my embarrassment I have not touched in almost a month.
- I plan to send at least 4 or 5 more queries this week – hey how can I win that crown if I don’t send out those query letters. 😉
– As always I will continue to research and add agents to my binder. Last week I added three.
Personal notes:
– I will be celebrating my birthday this week. I was born in the late seventies sometime after 76 and before 78. 😉
– This Friday I get to hang out and have dinner with one of The BookBroads who will be down in Seattle. I am very excited about this and looking forward to it.
– My calendar is a bit more open this week than last meaning I should have more writing time this week, The Youngest Brother just might get some of my attention after all.
Excellent news on the queries. And the rejection status. My crown is safe, for the moment. However, I cannot afford to relax. New queries are on my list this week, too.
Also, HAPPY BIRTHDAY (You’re over a decade younger than me. Ouch.)
Thanks – for the happy birthday wishes.
I obviously have to send more query letters to make you nervous for that crown… 😉