Query’s away

Posted by on Jun 5, 2007 in Publishing | 0 comments

I made the decision yesterday that I was at the point of diminishing returns with my query research and writing efforts. Not that I think my query is perfect, I am sure there is a great deal I can still learn. However I think at this point the more I look at it the harder it gets to SEE it.

So this morning I sat down, I read through the query, synopsis and first page one last time and I hit send on the e-mail. Off went my first query to my first agent. I divided the list of 14 agents into first round and second round. It was pretty random how I divided the list. I am hoping to get some kind of feedback on my query from the first round and then send out to the second round.

Am I nervous? No, that doesn’t begin to describe the butterflies in the pit of my stomach. Am I eager? YES YES YES. I know- absolutely know that it takes agents up to three weeks to respond to an e-mail query and then they only respond if interested. So I have been really good. I have limited myself to only checking my e-mail once an hour in the three hours since I sent it. 🙂

In all honesty as much as I know to expect no response I have to admit I can’t help the little day dream that things will be different for me. My first agent will ask for a partial. Fortunately I have enough to do to occupy my time that I can stay busy and not sit around and wait for a reply. I have 6 other query’s to get out after all.

I hope everyone has a lovely day.

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