Resolution time

Posted by on Jan 2, 2008 in Randomness | 0 comments

Here it is the beginning of 2008 and it’s time to decide what exactly I want to accomplish this year.

I have to admit it will be hard to top last year. I mean being born and all is a big thing.

However I have to try – after all if you don’t try you can’t do anything!!!

So here they are my resolutions for the year 2008.

1) To write every day – for 30 minutes a day, or at least 750 words a day. This is real writing time, not doing crits for my critique group or doing editing, but really writing. After all I will never get anything finished if I never actually sit down and write. (Yesterday I did really well on this one, I wrote for about 4 hour and got out about 12,000 words!)

2) To have my novel completely clean and ready to pitch by October when I plan to attend the Surrey Writing conference again.

3) To write and submit at least three short stories for publication during the year 2008. I have one written and in critique already and I hope to be able to send it for submission to a magazine by the end of the month.

So that’s my new years goals.

How about you, any goals this year?

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