Top Ten Reasons Spiders are worse then Zombies

Posted by on Apr 18, 2009 in General, Randomness | 0 comments

10) Zombies don’t make webs

9) Zombies only eat your brains, they don’t try to take over your house.

8) Zombies only have two legs, even if they are decomposing and slimy, there are still only TWO!

7) Zombies move slowly and moan a lot to let you know they are coming. Spiders are much stealthier they sneak up on you…in your own house.

6) Zombies can’t crawl on you.

5) Zombies can’t hide in your bed without giving themselves away (they make unusual lumps and once again with the moaning).

4) Zombies cannot descend form your ceiling to the middle of your living room and hang there – mid air waiting to strike.

3) Zombies don’t have exoskeletons, in fact, their bones are soft and worm eaten.

2) Zombies come one size fits all – unlike the spider who can range from tiny to huge and hair covered.

And the number 1 reason spiders are worse than zombies:

The worst a Zombie’s can do it kill you, spiders can seriously creep you out.

In fact the only thing creepier then Spiders, is zombie spiders!!!!!

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