Wednesday – Weekly Update

Posted by on Apr 21, 2010 in General, Updates | 1 comment

Weekly Rejection Queen Status Update:

– My rejection count is still at merely 1

– I sent 5 queries last week so at the moment I have a total of 9 outstanding query letters.

– I am hoping to send another two or three letters this week but not pushing it.

Other Writing news:

– Some people may remember back in February I entered a short story into a contest. I found out today I did not win that contest.

– On the positive side, my writing has been slacking lately as I have focused on my query letter and other business type things.  So I have entered into a word count challenge with a friend of mine.  The project I’m choosing to work on is something totally new and different.  I am going to try my hand at some Young Adult Urban Fantasy. For the next two weeks I will be focusing each day on trying to put out 1,000 words on a rough draft. The challenge started Monday so by tonight I should have 3,000 words – my count so far… 0. Go me… I’m a slow starter. 😉

Personal Notes:

– I get to run away from home this weekend.  Last time I did this it led to me starting a short story that turned into a novel length manuscript.  That manuscript in turn has provided characters for other short stories and a “fun” novel I write on when I feel burned out on whatever project I’m currently working on.

– Next week an author I met a few years ago at SiWC, Bruce Hale will be at my kids school leading a writers workshop.  My children each have a signed book from when I met him at SiWC and are very excited about getting to meet him.

Happy Wednesday everyone – I hope you all have a wonderful week and I wish you all high word counts and few rejection letters. 🙂

    1 Comment

  1. Good writing!


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