Wednesday Weekly Update

Posted by on Apr 28, 2010 in General, Updates | 1 comment

Rejection Queen Status update:

– rejection count is holding steady at 1.

– I have 9 outstanding queries right now.

– I have 12 agents researched in my binder that I have not sent to yet. I plan to send to them once I get some feedback from the letters I have out now.


Other Writing News:

– Word Count Challenge – I have written over 5,000 words in a new YA Urban Fantasy story I started this for my word count challenge with my friend. I am really excited both about this story and about the fact that I am writing again.

– I will work on my synopsis this week – something I admit I have been putting off since,well, forever. It’s time to just plant my butt in a chair and do it.

Personal Notes:

– I feel bad that I missed Follow Friday on my Blog last week. My  excuse, the cabin I went away to had no internet connection!!!!  IMAGINE.  However I would like to direct you to my friend Deb’s Blog entry for the day. I swear she was reading my mind because I had planned to do my Follow Friday about Vicki last week and that is who I will be talking about this week.  Uhm, Deb, this is getting a little creepy.  😉

– I had a lovely weekend away with my husband during which I played with a fun story but did no “real” writing.  However I do some reading.  Which is my other passionate pass time.

– This week I started my “day job” again. The one that pays me money and requires me to call in hours and stuff.  I enjoy my day job a great deal, it’s fun and meaningful to me.  However it does cut into my writing time. 🙂

That’s all for this week. So until later my friends – happy writing.

    1 Comment

  1. Hi Christine!

    Thank you for the redirect *g*. It’s funny you planned to post about Vicki. Great minds think alike. 🙂

    Congratulations on the 5000 new words, and on a lovely weekend away with DH. Happy writing!


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