Where have I been?
Well, I have been working at my other job – the one that pays me :). I have a confession or two to make.
Confession the first. I haven’t written anything in about two weeks. I haven’t really done anything writing related since I sent out my short story to the contest a week ago and before I sent it all I was working on was editing and cleaning that.
The second confession. I have decided to revamp my story. Things will be changing that will totally reshape parts (but not all) of the plot. I am going to be doing some major rewriting.
In truth I am kind of glad that none of the agents I sent to requested a partial because I think that the story is going to be even better when I am done with the rewrites I am currently imagining.
So why haven’t I been writing? Because this is intimidating. Pretty much the only thing in the story “safe” from revision is the names of the characters. I worked way to hard coming up with all those names. It is intimidating to realize that I am going to basically say lets ditch what I have and start from scratch. Yes, there will be things I keep but in reality I am starting from scratch.
My goal – To have a viable draft of my Manuscript ready for agents by the end of October. That gives me three months to rework my novel.
So over the next 10 weeks I am going to try to post an excerpt for you once a week. Be prepared, these will be rough, I would love idea and feedback as you read them.