Where I was yesterday

Posted by on May 27, 2007 in Publishing, Scottsdale | 0 comments

I actually wrote this post yesterday… not sure why I didn’t post it then. So here it is.

I am finding that no matter how much editing I do I still find things I need/want to rewrite. Sometimes I feel like I am on the 100th draft of the story instead of the sixth. I have recently finished writing two new scenes I realized the story needed to lead up to some plot in the second book. Also I have been working on a complete rewrite of the first chapter. This will be the third incarnation of chapter one, which just does not seem to want to flow.

BTW – Thank you to those who gave me feedback on the chapter. I found it all very helpful and I am using it in the rewrite.

So where does this leave me as far as publishing attempts go. Well, I am on hold at the moment. First off because I still need to write a good, concise, complete and interesting plot synopsis boiling 100,000 words down to just about 500. I am still working on that in between rewrites. Also because I am reshaping the first chapter I have no first chapter to send out at the moment. So I am now hoping to be sending things out by the beginning of June.

The good news – my early readers tell me that my writing is getting better and better. Hopefully they are right and all this rewriting will lead to an even better draft then I ever imagined ending up on the right agent or editors desk.

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